Energy Healing Massage Therapy
Carey Lee LMT
Carey Lee
Licensed Massage Therapist
MAT 3067 Hawaii
My role as a healing practitioner came as a calling as a result of pursuing a spiritual practice, which awakened my dormant abilities to heal pain. I discovered that I was an energy worker being a healing empath. However, I was "taking on" other's physical pain to my body much to my detriment. I had to quit my job as an Oakland police officer to find someone to help me. Eventually I found new friends who directed me to the island of Hawaii where I found my teacher, Auntie Pua Wong-Brentlinger, For a time I lived in her household immersing myself with her teachings guided by Spirit and her teacher, Auntie Emma De Friese.
My next phase of development was to attend the Hawaiian Island School of Body Therapies to obtain a massage therapy license in order to apply my newfound healing abilities. Here Lynn Wind taught the clinical massage curriculum from Canada, her native country. Massage therapy in this country is an equal modality with allopathic medicine in its national health care system.
I returned to the Bay Area where I worked at a Zen healing spa, Tea Garden Springs, in Mill Valley for the next four years focusing on clinical therapeutic massage to relieve physical pain. Presently I have been private practice for the last thirty years, and seen hundreds of clients gathering knowledge and experience to relieve most pain situations.
The Cause and Purpose of Pain
Pain is the language which the body uses to communicate to the mind signaling something needs attention whether it was initiated by a physical, emotional or mental situation. The brain replays the mental images of trauma, but the body stores the emotional pain of the past incident in the body's soft tissue. It is the protection mechanism for an individual to not repeat the same harmful behaviors. In other words it is a warning signal, a red flag alert that something is amiss and needs to be corrected. Oftentimes when this protection mechanism is ignored, it continues long after its usefulness, and then the pain becomes chronic.
There is a another avenue of acquiring pain that is not self generated. This involves a certain portion of the population that is empathetic. They can unknowingly take on negative energy bestowed upon them by toxic individuals. For instance, can you think of someone who makes you feel down when you are in his or her presence? What could be happening is that person's unconscious desire to relieve his or her negative energy by giving it to you via aka cords, which are invisible energetic threads that Hawaiians believe we are linked to others in our lives.
In the final analysis pain is an energy blockage, which not only is a prime communicator of the body, but impedes the life force to not freely flow through the body. Acupuncture relies on this same principle of facilitating the conduction of energy through the body using needles to open blocked meridian channels. Likewise using my natural ability I can sense any location of blocked energy in one's body. When I touch the affective area the pain passes through me like electricity conducting along a copper wire whereupon I become like a grounding rod sending it to the earth. Also the pain energy can be felt dissipating out the body's extremities. This in turn stops the energetic warning system and the pain ceases. The final goal is to maintain balance and a healthy transmission of life force to all parts of the body.
Presently I am practicing on the Big Island in Hawaii in the country side of northern Kohala. The energy of the island is particularly strong there, and I have the additional ability to channel its transformational power during my healing sessions.